1.1 Explain the legal status and principles of the relevant early years framework/s, and how national and local guidance materials are used in settings
In recent years successive governments have recognised the importance of good quality early years learning and have put in place structured legal frameworks that must be followed by all settings. Practitioners are required to understand how this works on a local and national level. The four parts of the United Kingdom differ slightly in their approach to early years provision. In England the early years foundation stage was introduced and reviewed as recently as 2012. The EYFS is a statutory curriculum for children aged birth to 5 who are being looked after or educated outside of their home. The early years foundation stage also looks at the welfare of children, suitable people, premises and environment and states the documentation that is required to be maintained.
The early years foundation stage has 7 areas of learning that are spilt into 2 areas, the prime area of learning and specific areas of learning. The prime areas of learning are: communication and language physical development personal, social and emotional development
The specific areas of learning are: literacy mathematics understanding the world expressive arts and design
It is expected that early years practitioners led by the child’s key person assesses the child through observations that are tracked against the developmental stages within the early years foundation stage. The information gained from these assessments is used by practitioners and parents to support the child’s learning and development by planning appropriately for the child and following the child’s interests. At the end of the academic year that the child turns 5, all children are expected to have fulfilled the learning goals in the early years foundation stage profile. There are exceptions made for children with