1.1: All six areas are an interdependent part of each child’s development as a healthy child, a strong child, a skilful communicator and a competent learner, and should be used together to provide appropriate provision for each child. [ They are: -personal, social and emotional development -communication, language and literacy -problem solving, reasoning and numeracy -knowledge and understanding of the world -physical development -creative development.
Hi, welcome to silkysteps.
You can download a digital copy of the 2012 eyfs here: https://www.education.gov.uk/publica...DFE-00023-2012 and the guidance - children's development matters here
The search page will help find threads already made, enter keywords, phrase, unit num-bers to filter the search and if you've access to a level 3 handbook it'll help guide re-search although editions may detail the 2008 eyfs & documented outcomes of ECM
EYMP 2 1.2 - the documented outcomes are the early learning goals, what happens for the 2 year progress check and completion of the eyfs profile once a child reaches the age of 5
1.2 Describe the documented outcomes for children that form part of the relevant early years framework
These are the goals and targets for children to meet throughout early years, for example communication language and literacy linking sounds. These are documented through observations that are carried out by their key person through day to day, which they then just to develop children’s development with carrying out different activities and adapting or changing them for an individual needs.