“The FBI has about 35,000 people employed at one time” (“FBI Quick Facts”). If you want to be in the FBI, this would be a great fact to know. “FBI special agents make a median of $67,000 a year plus comprehensive benefit packages” (“FBI Quick Facts”). That is just the middle, it could be much more than that. One article stated that, “ the FBI has jurisdiction over 200 categories of federal laws” (“FBI Quick Facts”). These laws are what the FBI has control over. If you don’t know them, then you would have a hard time being in the FBI. Have you ever wondered what the FBI does? Well, “The FBI focuses on threats that challenge the foundations of American society or involve dangers too large or complex for any local or state authority to handle alone” (“FBI Quick Facts”). This is what you would need to know about if you wanted to be in the …show more content…
Now, you are probably wondering, What are they? “FIGs are the hub of the FBI's Intelligence Program and serve as the FBI's conduit for information sharing and collaboration between the FBI, the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC), fusion centers, other federal, state, local and tribal law enforcement, government, and private sector entities” (“FBI intelligence groups and Fusion Centers”). This is what allows them to conduct information safely with each other. Without them, the information could be hacked and into the wrong hands. “Fusion centers leverage trusted relationships within the state, local, tribal and territorial environment to assist law enforcement and homeland security partners in preventing, protecting against, and responding to crime and terrorism” (“Fusion Centers Overview”). This is what informs the FBI and Security and Police that there has been a terrorism event, or just trying to prevent one. Where are they? Well… “FIGs and Fusion Centers are located in each of the FBI's 56 field offices and are staffed with FBI intelligence analysts, language analysts, and special agents” (“Field Intelligence Groups”). They are all around us trying to prevent bad events or