Objective measurement is a scientific way to get a good understand about some basic properties of fabric. In this lab, FAST system can provide the accurate measurement to show compression, extension, bending and stability of fabric. The aim of this test is to predict how a fabric will perform when made up into a garment.
For fabric manufactures,finishers and garment manufacturers, they can use the results of this test as a basis to do fabric specification, product and process development, quality assurance and process control(Giorgio M. Pier, 1995).
Experimental 2.1 Test Methodology
The F.A.S.T system, which was developed by the Australian International Wool Bureau, consists of three simple instruments and a test method. The FAST-1 compression meter gives a accurate measurement of fabric thickness at various load, and then surface layer thickness can be easily calculated. With FAST-2, the fabric bending length can be measured according to British Standard (Standard No.BS3356-1961). In this test, bending length is converted into bending rigidity which plays an important role in fabric handle. FAST-3 is testing for fabric extensibility at various loads. According to the results of this part, the ability of a fabric to resist buckling can be revealed.
2.2 Details of Samples Examined
There are 9 fabric samples (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I) which are all made up by plain-woven. According to the different sizes and types, those nine samples were divided into three groups. Table I shows the difference among those fabrics.
Table I
Properties Size(length×width) Yarn type Fabre type Fabric weight
A,B,C 20cm×5cm warp 100% wool 10.04g
D.E.F 20cm×5cm weft 100% wool
G.H.I 15cm×5cm bias 100% wool /
All fabrics are placed in the same condition (20℃±2, 65% relative humidity) after cutting. 2.3 Apparatus & Procedure
In the test, 5 fabric samples (A,B,C,D,E) are pressed under two