Many companies, stars, and political individuals and groups have Facebook accounts. This allows fans and critics to follow what is happening with their preferred idols. Fans of musicians or movie stars follow whats going on to help fill their never ending craving for news and gossip. Employees and former employees communicate and chat about what has been happening at work or what they think should change. This keeps everyone happy for the most part and people enjoy the gossip created. The best part is that you always know whats going on. The bad part of this is that you never know if what you are reading is truth or fiction.
Those that prefer to play have created a large following on Facebook as well. There are a lot of social games that have been created and added to Facebook. Games like Yoville and Farmville offer a world where you build up a community and grow in status. These games are addicting and fun at the same time. They require you to return to them often or you will loose a crop or maybe your status in the community. For the most part these games allow people to explore a world or way of life that they normally would never be able to be a part of. Of course it is all just a game but I know people that