The word Infrastructure is universally known as “the basic physical and organization structures and facilities needed for the operation of a society or enterprise”, examples including transportation, education, communication, water and electric systems. Developing Infrastructure is crucial to any country’s economic advances which are inevitably the base bricks of foundation to the general prosperity of the nation.
Uganda’s History
Once with a healthy amount of human and natural resources, Uganda was considered as the ““pearl” of Africa.” In 1893, Great Britain declared Uganda a protectorate and, in the pursuit of a bilateral agreement, created policies to comprise Uganda into the world’s economy. Cotton had become “Uganda’s leading export” in the year 1910, with hints of support from sugar and tea plantations. After World War II, Uganda’s coffee cultivation to balance the decelerating export revenues and this led to the rise of Uganda’s economy. The stable infrastructure was a web of different departments, agriculture upholding the title of being the dominant activity, “but the expanding manufacturing sector appeared capable of increasing its contribution to GDP, especially through the production of foodstuffs and textiles. Some valuable minerals, notably copper, had been discovered, and water power resources were substantial.” This stability lasted for 8 years after the independence of Uganda.
However, the 1970s in Uganda history proves constant struggles of the country’s economic development, the era under the rule of President Idi Amin Dada. Amin banished much foreign economic interest, expelled mass foreign talent and working force and diverted the nation’s resources to establishing military means. While the nation deteriorates from lessened investor confidence, Amin continued practices of purchasing military goods. Consequences attributed to the general swelling size of