This was an experiment to investigate the amount of respiration by how much carbon dioxide is produced and how using different sugar types affects rate of respiration. The experiment showed that the yeast produces the highest volume of CO2 with glucose. It also showed the yeast respires at its lowest rate with sorbose and maltose was in between the rate of yeast respiration of glucose and maltose.
In this investigation we are going to investigate the amount of respiration by how much carbon dioxide is produced, and how using sorbose, glucose and maltose sugar types affects rate of respiration.
We used 3 different sugar types (sorbose, glucose and maltose) to see at which temperature the yeast work at its best to produce CO2.
Glucose – it is a simple monosaccharide found in plants. It is one of the three dietary monosaccharides, along with fructose and galactose, that are absorbed directly into the bloodstream during digestion.
Sorbose - it is a ketose belonging to the group of sugars known as monosaccharides. It has a sweetness that is equivalent to sucrose. The commercial production of vitamin C often begins with sorbose.
Maltose – it is a disaccharide formed from two units of glucose joined with an α bond, formed from a condensation reaction. The isomer isomaltose has two glucose molecules linked through an α bond.
• Independent variables – the sugar type we change.
• Dependent variables – when we measure, the amount of CO2 produced in a given time.
• Control variables – the amount of ingredients and equipment used.
Equipment and chemicals
• 2.5 grams of glucose, maltose and surbose
• 5 grams of yeast
• 50 ml of water
• Clamp
• Boss head
• Rhetoric stand
• Yeast suspension
• Bung
• Conical flask
• Delivery tube
• Thermometer
• Water bath containing particular temperate/of various temperatures
1. Gas syringe needs to be set at zero.
2. Weight 2.5 grams of glucose and 5 grams of yeast.
3. Place the yeast