There are a lot of subjects for marketers to understand in order to get more customers purchasing their companies’ products or brands. Consumer buying behavior is one of the studies that marketers need to understand. Factors that influence consumer buying behavior can be classified into four classes which are social factor, cultural factor, personal factor and psychological factor.
One of the factors that influence consumer buying behavior is social factors. Social factors can be classified into three classes which are reference groups, family, and social roles and statuses (Kotler, 2000). Reference groups comprise of people that directly or indirectly influences a person’s behavior (Kotler, 2000). Membership groups are groups that have a direct impact on an individual (Sarangapani, 2009). Family, friends, neighbors and co-workers are some examples of primary membership groups in which the interaction that takes place is informal and large groups such as professionals and trade-union groups fall under secondary groups where the interaction is likely to be more formal (Kotler, 2000). According to Bearden and Etzel (1982), consumers’ reference groups can influence their selections on products and brands. In addition to this, Kotler (2000) stated that people are exposed to new behaviors and way of living by their reference groups, attitudes and self concept causing peer pressure affecting their choices of products and brands. Individuals often select products and brands that are recommended by their peers. This is mostly due to their peers having purchased it and was satisfied with the product and finally has come to an agreement to buy the product with the same model or brand. Also, reference groups affect the aspiration levels of individuals thus contribute in creating satisfaction and frustration (Stafford, 1966). Apart from reference groups, family members also influence the behavior of a buyer. Kotler (2000)