12/1/2004 6:05:00 PM
Copy This Essay: How Fair Use Doctrine Harms Free Speech and How Copying Serves It
Rebecca Tushnet†
CONTENTS INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................... 537 I. OVERVIEW: THE FIRST AMENDMENT, COPYRIGHT, AND THE CONFLICT BETWEEN THEM ................................................................ 538 A. What Free Speech Is For ............................................................. 538 B. Copyright and Fair Use ............................................................... 540 C. The First Amendment Value of Copying ...................................... 545
II. LIMITING THE FIRST AMENDMENT BY INVOKING FAIR USE .............. 547 A. How the First Amendment Value of Dissent Maps onto Transformative Fair Use.............................................................. 549 B. How the Identification of Transformative Use with the First Amendment Obscures Other Free Speech Values........................ 553
† Assistant Professor, NYU School of Law; Visiting Associate Professor, Georgetown University Law Center, 2004-2005. Thanks to participants in the NYU Brown Bag Lunch series, the Brooklyn Law School Faculty Workshop, the Georgetown Advanced Constitutional Law Seminar, the Virginia Intellectual Property Colloquium, Amy Adler, Jack Balkin, Rachel Barkow, Lillian BeVier, Julie Cohen, Francesca Coppa, Jeffrey Cunard, Rochelle Dreyfuss, Harry First, Laura Heymann, Larry Kramer, Larry Lessig, Neil Netanel, Richard Primus, Kermit Roosevelt, Zach Schrag, Eugene Volokh, Tim Wu, and Diane Zimmerman for comments. As always, special thanks to Mark Tushnet, for just the right amount of advice.
Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1793181
12/1/2004 6:05:00 PM
The Yale Law Journal
[Vol. 114: 535
1. Copyright’s Other Speech-Protective Limits......................... 553 2. The