I am obliged to comment on the fairness and effectiveness of the Criminal Justice System (CJS). To understand this statement and form an opinion I will analyze particular arms of the CJS, define their roles and purpose, and make an informed considered opinion about the fairness and effectiveness of the system, if at all. In fashionable fairness I will construct arguments for and against the statement with reference to its strengths and weaknesses and draw my own conclusions from these.
To say that the CJS is fair and effective as we can reasonably expect is both bold and brave. But however bold or brave the statement remains inconclusive. Only close analysis can shed light on the underlying assumptions made in that statement. First, the current system we have is by far the most effective for our society even when compared to other systems of justice. Secondly, the system is not bullet proof and is susceptible to public scrutiny and criticism. And thirdly, the statement seems to suggest that we the people are settling for what is reasonably expected of the system, rather than looking for clear definitive outcomes.
According to Wikipedia (a popular resource site apparently not reliable because of having multiple authors) The CJS is the
Cited: (2005, p. (2010). Government (2009). Encyclopedia (2006). Risk (1624). Devotions