These medical practitioners will do numerous tests on the claimant to ascertain that they aren't faking their injuries. Faking car crash injuries has become a very common phenomenon where the claimants collude with doctors and lawyers in their sinister plans which make it very difficult for the insurance companies to suspect foul play. Such doctors and layers will then share the loot with the claimant and this has severely hurt the economy. The insurers may hire a special unit of investigators to follow such a claimant every inch of the way. Of course, if they are faking the injuries it wouldn't be a surprise if they are caught somewhere in a night club probably dancing the night away. The investigators will record such incidences in a video camera as proof that the claimant can't be carrying such heavy injuries as they claim and at the same time have such high level of mobility.
The insurers are also utilizing the social media to nail the car insurance fraudsters. It so happens that most car insurance fraudsters have a loose tongue and will be led by their pride to brag on social media about how they executed their con artistry. The insurer may thereafter take such statements and use them as evidence in a court of law proving that the claimant is indeed a fraudster.
All in all, there is great hope that the insurance companies will win the war against these merciless insurance fraudsters who are ruining the economy for the innocent