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Highlight explanation and argument purple Rome was one of the worlds strongest and greatest empires, but why did Rome come to an end? The empire of Rome lasted 1,250 years until it got sacked by another empire. Their government was once a republic, but turned into a dictatorship under the rule of Julius
Caesar. This all started to take place in the 3rd century when rome started to get weak and they were starting to develop a “soft belly”. The primary reasons for the fall of Rome were military issues, unstable government, and civil decay.
One of the primary reasons for the Fall of Rome was because of military issues. Based …show more content…
450 CE soldiers started to get weak and lazy because they didn’t want to wear their armor (breastplates and helmets) and by the soldiers not wearing their armor it would be very easy for another empire to come and sack rome with ease because without armor you would be killed easily therefore the barbarians would get to the empire and take over.
According to Michael Grant’s , The Fall of the Roman Empire: A Reappraisal, crown publishing, 1982 the draft of soldiers also might have contributed to the fall of Rome because
Rome was losing many of their soldiers and without soldiers you wont have an army than you wouldn’t be able to protect the empire. Military issues were a big part in the Fall of Rome because the soldiers wouldn’t wear their armor. The Soldiers not wearing armor was a problem because they would be killed very easy and the people that weren’t killed would turn back and run than the empire would be very easy to take over.
Another one of the main reasons for the Fall of Rome was because of an unstable government. From Roman Emperors 235285 CE, a chart compiled from various sources 22 emperors ruled during a 50 year period and none of them died from natural death and