I selected the family of A.G which is based on personal acquaintance for this project. I will complete a comprehensive analysis using the criteria that I will be describing in details in the proceeding paragraphs. These criteria includes description of the nuclear family form, sociocultural data, genogram and Ecomap, environment, communication, power structure, role structure, values, spiritual activities, socialization, adaptation and healthcare. Once assessment is complete, the nursing care plan will be utilized and interventions can be addressed.
Description of Nuclear Family
` The family is made up of three members, a mother and her two sons. A.G and her husband are currently seeking a divorce. The boys primarily live with the mother. They live in a rented three bedroom duplex in Newark. The mother, A.G is 36 years old female. She is unemployed and has Associate degree in Arts. The oldest child is a male, C.G. He is 16 years old and the youngest son, T.G is 14 years. The family form was that of a single parent. Developmental stage of the family According to Erik Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development the developmental stage of C.G and T.G are both in the adolescence years (12 to 18 years) and are in the Erickson’s stage of Identity vs. role confusion. Their mother Angie is in middle adulthood (35-60) and is in Generatively vs. Stagnation. (McLeod, S.A 2008)
Sociocultural data According to A.G and her children, their cultural background is Hispanics. A.G is a single mother of two young children. She was laid off at from her full time job and now considers herself to be a working poor American since is currently works as a day laborer. Her income is barely enough to pay her bills and other household expenses.
Genogram [pic]
Communication According to many family therapies, functional communication is viewed as the cornerstone of a successful, healthy family
References: Danielson,R.R (2004).Drnotes. Models for health promoting interventions. Retrieved from Friedman, M. M., Bowden, V. R., & Jones, E. G. (2003). Family Nursing: Research, theory and practice (5th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Goldenberg, I., &Goldenberg, H. (2000). Family therapy: An overview (5th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. McLeod, S.A (2008). Simply Psychology: Erick Erickson. Psychosocial stages. Retrieved from