1. You need to select a family for this project. The family cannot be members of your family. Remember HIPAA!
2. Select a time to interview the family. You may receive up to 6 clinical hours for this assignment.
3. Use APA format.
4. The family assessment will be on a family of your choosing.
5. Follow the Friedman Family Assessment Model (short form) that will be given to you in class. Use the same form and do not leave any blanks. If the information is unknown by the family or for any reason unavailable, state that it “was not available” or “unknown”. Just do not omit the question.
6. The genogram/ecomap format and symbols will also be given to you in class.
7. You may receive guidance or ask questions …show more content…
Extent of Family Developmental Tasks Fulfillment: see definition of developmental task
11. Nuclear Family History
12. History of Origin of Both Parents
Environmental Data
13. Characteristics of Home
14. Characteristics of Neighborhood and Larger Community
15. Family’s Geographical Mobility: recent moves, relocations?
16. Family’s Associations and Transactions with Community: career, church, etc.
Family Structure (see definitions)
17. Communication Patterns
a. Extent of functional and dysfunctional communication (types of recurring patterns), trends?
b. Extent of Emotional (Affective) messages and How expressed? See Definiton
c. Characteristics of Communication within Family Subsystems: See definition of subsystem that was given to you in class!
d. Extent of Congruent/Incongruent Messages: body language, your observations, etc.
e. Types of dysfunctional communication processes seen in family: based on observation, history
f. Areas of closed communication: ex. Denial
g. Familial/Contextual variables affecting communication: ex. Blindness, geography
18. Power Structure
a. Power outcomes
b. Decision-making process
c. Power bases
d. Variables affecting Family Power: ex- …show more content…
Compare the family to American core values or family’s reference group values and/or identify important family values and their importance (priority) in family.
b. Congruence between the family’s values and the family’s reference group or wider community
c. Disparity in Value systems: may need to define disparity to understand this.
d. Presence of Value conflicts in Family
e. Effect of the above values and value conflicts on Health Status of family
Family Functions
21. Affective Function
a. Mutual nurturance, closeness and identification
b. Separateness and connectedness
c. Family’s need-response patterns- need multiple visits addressing this one.
22. Socialization Function
a. Family child-rearing practices
b. Adaptability of child-rearing practices for family form and family’s situation
c. Who is (are) socializing agent(s) for child(ren)?
d. Value of children in family
e. Cultural beliefs that influence family’s child-rearing practices
f. Social class influence on child-rearing patterns.
g. Estimation about whether family is at risk for child-rearing problems and if so, indication of high-risk factors
h. Adequacy of home environment for children’s needs to play
23. Health Care