Some of these behavioral (disruptive and/or aggressive) are transformed in children’s preschool years. Behavioral patterns like these are somewhat unaffected by the change; due to the matter when the parents discipline the child harshly, it only stimulates and strengthens the behavior patterns to follow them throughout their adolescence and adult years which leads to criminal activity (Prochnow & DeFronzo, 1997). A well-known theory in the family functionality is called coercion theory. This theory is considered to have a tremendous impact from the family, which in turn influences an adolescent peer group leading them down the wrong path (Cashwell & Vacc, 1996). We must understand the different relationships within the family like compliance, unity, and approval, to better understand the adolescent upbringing (Cashwell & Vacc, 1996). …show more content…
Single parent or martial relationships that are on the rocks (divorce, separation or fighting) in a home tends to trigger a variety of behavioral problems, including delinquency compared to children living with both parents (Thornberry, Smith, Rivera, Huizinga, & Stouthamer-Loeber, 1999). Children living in family disruption are at greater risk of becoming delinquents than others. Several research has expose disruptive families. This issue along has spark my interest to see in fact if family dynamics play a part on delinquency. Is there any validity to it? Juvenile delinquency in America is reaching a new height. Literally it is getting out of hand and we need to get this under control. I understand children do not come with instructions in their hands on how to parent them but we must