The definition of “family” may differ from one person to the next. Even the various dictionaries have multiple definitions for the simple yet ever so complex word. The Oxford English Dictionary’s etymology of the word family comes from the Middle French famile, beginning in 1337 with family being defined as a group of people living under the same roof, household, in 1442-44 included a group of people related by blood, 1580 a group of people related by blood or marriage and living under the same roof, 1658 a group of people who share a common philosophy and in 1676, a group of genera of plants or animals which share certain general traits (Simpson and Weiner). In this paper I will endeavor to cover the many and diverse definitions of family. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate and define my own definition of family and to discuss how my definition has changed over the years.
The United States legal definition of “family” is one or more persons occupying a single dwelling unit, provided that unless all members are related by blood or marriage, no such family shall contain over five persons, but further provided that domestic servants employed on the premised may be housed on the premises without being counted as family or families. Many people will certainly disagree with this definition. Based on this legal definition, any persons living as roommates are considered a family. It also states that a family consists of blood or marriage, which is a more agreed upon definition. Although the United States Constitution has no clear definition or directly states “family” in any of its articles, there have been numerous court cases which question the definition ( The courts have stated starting with Meyer and Pierce that the Constitution protects the sanctity of family because it is a deeply rooted institution in the Nation’s
Cited: "Definition of Family - Vanier Institute of the Family." Definition of Family – Institute of the Family. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Aug. 2014.