'Family' is a single word, with many different meanings. People have many ways of defining a family and what being a part of a family means to them. Families differ in terms of economic, cultural, social, and many other facets. But every family has one definite thing in common: the people who call it a family are clear that those people in their family are important in some way. My family contains the ones that are truly there for you, that care for you and take your side even through unfathomable odds of success. My family consists of my parents, my siblings, some of my best friends, and some extensive family as well. But your true family does not have to be your blood, it is the one that truly cares for you. Your family might be your best friend, your girlfriend, or even the people you work with. It’s the people you feel most safe with; the ones that have the ability to create a warm and loving surrounding for you.…