Mary A Foerster
Liberty University
Family Systems The family acts in many ways like a living organism. The human body, to maintain function, works to maintain homeostasis. Homeostasis is defined as the optimal balance (Hinson, 2014). The family also operates on the principle of homeostasis. When one of the parts of the body is out of balance the body fights either through the immune system or through body reactions to bring the part back to a balance or homeostasis with the other parts of the body. Families operate in much the same way. When a member of the family is out of balance there is conflict and reaction from the other members of the family to find the balance that the system needs to operate efficiently and well. This leads to a discussion of what balanced and healthy families look like and what an out of balance and unhealthy family looks like and how to recognize the difference. …show more content…
Well-adjusted children for the most part grow up in well-adjusted homes with well-adjusted parents. Not that there are not cases of children growing up in homes that are not well-adjusted and coming out the other side as healthy adults, the chances are increased with a family in homeostasis. The family is the building block of the culture. The healthier the family the healthier the society will be. According to Brooks (2014) the behavior of the child is directly related to the parenting style used by the parent or primary caregiver. Feldman (2014) states that children who have strong, positive relationships with their parents also develop healthy relationships with others. This is very important not only for friendships but in all areas of life; work relationships and marriage relationship. This naturally leads to a discussion about healthy and effective parenting style and those that are not healthy or