I. The family vacation is an American tradition.
A. The Walt Disney World advertisement, however, takes a different approach by marketing to the entire family.
II. The caption of the Walt Disney World advertisement in Family Circle magazine reads: "Pretend your family is on the most magical vacation ever."
III. The next picture shows a mother being pampered by her husband in a make believe Hollywood scene.
IV. This advertisement appeals to the parents who are swelled with pride to be able to fulfill their children's dreams.
V. The Disney World advertisement is trying to reach the whimsical yet practical side of the family, by appealing to the need for fun/lighthearted family time.
A Wonderful Family Vacation
The family vacation is an American tradition. Thinking and planning for this adventure captures the imaginations of thousands of families each year. While parents and children may disagree over what constitutes the ideal vacation, there is no question about there being a family vacation. Savvy entrepreneurs are aware of this fact and spend millions of dollars in advertisements to capitalize on the money families spend for family vacations. Most advertisers craftily market to children, believing that children, through coercion (whining), can get their parents to buy what they want (see advertised on television). The Walt Disney World advertisement, however, takes a different approach by marketing to the entire family. The Disney advertisement is extremely effective, appealing to both the parents' and children's sense of wonder and excitement, while also making an emotional appeal to the parents' sense of value. The caption of the Walt Disney World advertisement in Family Circle magazine reads: "Pretend your family is on the most magical vacation ever." The first picture in the advertisement shows a larger- than-life Mickey Mouse happily greeting a young