Family Values
The author will explain in this paper the importance of family supporting patients with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) who are receiving in-center hemodialysis. Describing how a family can work as a system in promoting the health of its members. Recognizing the concept of family most used in the in-center dialysis unit along with identifying if it is the most helpful concept for considering family in nursing practice. Finally, relating a nursing theory to the dialysis setting.
Family would be immediate members to the patient such as spouse, parents, and children. In the case where patients do not have family that lives nearby or without family, a friend, significant other, or another relative can work as a system and promote health and support members. Patients who are on in-center hemodialysis need this support to sustain proper management of his or her health. Dialysis patients must adhere to a special diet to decrease sodium, fluids, and calcium intake in order to remain healthy. ESRD patients cannot excrete these from his or her body. Increased sodium and fluids cause hypertension and may eventually lead to cardiovascular disease for these patients, which is the leading cause of death in ESRD patients (Clark, 2012). He or she must also consume an increased protein diet to prevent Albumin levels from decreasing. Family members can promote health and support the patient by learning to cook foods of this nature; there are many cookbooks currently available for dialysis patients with a wide variety of recipes that adhere to the diets. These foods are everyday meals that have been prepared for them prior to being on hemodialysis, however, with the proper modifications for his or her diet.
Family is where most behavioral patterns are learned and also can be altered if necessary. Family members can influence each other on the decisions made, whether it being health, education, or careers. In this instance, it
References: Clark, M. N. (2012). Experience of managing ESRD dietary modifications. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. (AAT 3532781) Current Nursing. (2012). Dorthea Orem’s self-care theory. Retrieved from National Kidney Foundation. (2014). Coping Effectively: A guide for patients and their families. Retrieved from