In the past decade there has been a drastic down turn in the ethical and moral standards in the western world, especially in America. There is a vicious attack on the fundamental institution our family .It is sad to see how this downward trend is leading to an increasing decay of our family life. Basic ethics is a science that evaluates and explains the values that differentiate between right and wrong or good and bad conduct. The basic tool used to destroy the moral standards in our society is to tactfully change the basic concept of wrong or bad and alter it to look right and good. Often these altered concepts are reached to the public is through media using high profile individual characters. The best way to convey the message about homosexual so called alternate family values would be to publicize the life of a gay bishop and reason with authenticity the very basic biblical concept of a traditional family and advocate that it is alright to redefine the family in an alternate way to fit the alternate life style of a minority group. Another powerful way to implement such drastically different family values would be through ballot and legal system and force the lawmakers to make changes in the very laws that withstood these viscous attacks ever since our nation was born. Several lawmakers are yielding to the pressure tactics of a minority and making drastic changes in the basic constitution that upheld the traditional family values while the majority is watching with dismay. The most powerful tool of all is to brainwash the children in the very early ages with a school curriculum focused on alternate family life and skillfully deviate from the traditional family values.
The basic values that are taught in a traditional family are honesty, sincerity, integrity, generosity, trust, love, affection, caring, forgiveness, conservation and respect for others. Children are like sponges always ready to absorb. When they are fed with true family values they