You are responsible for doing the exercises in the book on your own. After you have done each exercise, check your answers here. (The answers to Sentence Check 1 are on pages 129-130 of the book.)…
Different parts of parenting are known to differ both across and within cultural groups. Recent research has identified social class and childrearing experience as key sources of within-culture difference version in parenting. Harkness and Super developed the term 'parental ethnotheories' to help explain cultural differences in parenting. Ethnotheories are common beliefs held by a cultural group about children's development and behavior, and include expectations about the thinking-related process, social and emotional development of children. They come from parents' cultural experiences within their community or reference group, and reflect cultural beliefs about children's development and characteristics of children that are valued by the community of people in which the child is being raised.…
Canada is one of the most diverse countries in the world (Pavlich, 2011). As a result, Canadian society has continued to evolve over the years to match the population changes. Canadian laws are universal and it governs everyone; regardless of cultural differences and practices (Pavlich, 2011). Therefore, the laws are expected to be upheld by everyone to maintain order in its society. Furthermore, immigration laws have made it considerably easier for people to settle in Canada. As a result, the negative and positive aspects of each culture are exported with the immigrant population. Furthermore, commitment to social justice, freedom and respect for cultural differences makes Canadian society unique. However, cultural practices differ in each…
Culture is the beliefs, views, morals, religious practices, and behaviors specific to a group of people which becomes the frame on which one builds his or her life. Culture affects the way someone behaves, the decision he/she makes in her/his life, from the food one eats to the way someone takes care of himself, and people around him or her. It is important that a nurse has a full understanding of an individual 's culture before making a nursing assessment. The family that is interviewed is from Mexico two years ago. The family consists of Mr Miguel, a thirty two year-old male, his wife Mrs Maria 29 year-old, and his son Rodriguez 2 year-old. This family is a third generation migrating into United State of America for a better life. Although the number has decreased since 1986, border towns in Texas and California still experience large influxes of…
Family is the cornerstone of our lives and our society, so most of us consider family is the most important in our lives. Each family has different beliefs, moral standards, and values. The family value in America today consist mainly of acceptance of non-traditional families, such as same-sex marriage, single-parent families, and blended families. My family, compared to the typical American family today, is very different in terms of…
Prepare a genogram of a minimum of three generations of your own family. If you have children, your genogram will include four generations (i.e., it will include your children). Include your grandparents and parents as well as your own generation (yourself and siblings, if applicable). Include your partner/spouse. You need to include those members of your (and your partner’s, spouse’s, ex-spouse’s, etc.) family who have been and/or are significant in your life. You need to diagram each individual (e.g., grandparent’s siblings), but you will not need to have detailed information about each family members. It may be of interest to lean why you do not know much about particular family members.…
How a child is raised and taught to live is a unique aspect of every culture that exists throughout the world. Rogoff states that members of each society are “prepared by both our cultural and biological heritage to use language and other cultural tools and to learn from each other.” (Orienting Concepts, P.3) Through this definition it is easy to see why child-rearing techniques are unique to each and every society. The people of any society use their own tools and their own language to teach the youth of their society what exactly it means to be part of their culture. For example, one does not see many women in the United States who are breast-feeding on the metro. This is something that is a much more private event in the United States because the people of America are less open about this daily activity. The families of Spain see it as something more open and natural and thus freely do it throughout public when their baby is hungry. This is a more obvious example of a cross-cultural…
C. Popenoe, D. (2006). Marriage and family in the scandinavian experience. Society, 43(4), 68-72. doi:…
They may eat different foods or the parents may have specific roles, for example the father may be in control and decision making would primarily go through him. These differences may have an impact on how the setting approaches the parents and/or how they cater for the child. Showing respect for the child’s family cultures can be achieved by carrying out home visits, where the practitioner can gather some background information on the child and family. The setting could also invite parents in to talk about their culture or invite them to make the different food dishes so that the other children can try and learn about them. Working closely with parents is important because they have a right to be involved in their child’s care and education. It is important to recognise parents as the child’s first educators and respect their contribution. This can be done by involving all parents, even those who seem to be more difficult than others. A setting has a responsibility to keep parents involved by informing them of the child’s progress throughout the term, their day to day well-being and showing them the different activities they have been taking part…
Answer: Cultural repertoire consists of components that may influence the way a parent raises a child. Middle class child rearing, the book asserts, generally conforms to the logic of concerted cultivation, according to which parents view it as their duty to actively foster the development of their children’s potential skills and talents. By contrast, the book notes, working class and poor child rearing conforms to a logic of the accomplishment of natural growth, according to which parents assume that if they provide their children with love, feed and clothe them, and keep them safe, the children will grow and thrive spontaneously.…
Moore, L.R. (2003). American values in decline: What can we do? FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, 72(1), 15-15.…
Being raised in a Vietnamese American household I was taught to value respect over everything else. This quote by Chinese philosopher Confucius helps to embody this idea, “Without feelings of respect, what is there to distinguish men from beasts.” However, having to experience this culture of formality firsthand as a child of two refugees, I discovered that not only is this completely false but that Confucius was nothing more than an old fool. The idea that a family, or society for that matter, must be held together by strict social hierarchies maintained by polite customs and etiquette is a laughable idea if not completely harmful. In modern Western society, family is seen as the ultimate bond between people, an unbreakable connection held…
Families in the world are very different. They come in different shapes and sizes, it can be based on different kinds of relationship, but what all families have in common that it is made of people you love and care. Over past 20 or more years families in the world has changed the most than it has changed in all history. Of course changes in the families are different among cultures and religions. It seems that United States, Canada and Northern Europe families has changed the most, now Nuclear families are dominating there, when in Asia Extended families still takes a greater number. In the richest places in the world numbers of same sex marriages, cohabitations, divorces significantly increasing, when in most less developed countries these things are forbidden and relatives still arrange their children marriages, or even force their children to get married to someone they want to.…
A family is made up of people who care and love one another. A positive childhood and family tradition is what keeps a person connected to their family. No family is perfect and they will go through things, but it’s the love that keeps them together. Family traditions and cultural contribute to an individual self- identity because people who have knowledge of their family history are well-adjusted. Some people may disagree that family history is not shared and valued among individual family members. However, family history is shared and valued among individual family members because it’s what makes the individual who they are as a person which inhibits the person-identity.…
The social institution of the family is one of our oldest institutions. Through the years it has gone through some changes and many challenges. In this paper I will describe what the social institution of the family is, its functions, how it is failing in the United States, and how other countries are dealing with these issues.…