I was only six at the time and had not yet learned how to properly treat and deal with adults. I was taught by Disney sitcoms and from my friends that family is the strongest bond in the world and that you should be able to show who you truly are to them. I was thereby confused because as a young child as I was always eccentric and loud and in my opinion I was just being myself which ,according to what I learned from television, is how you are supposed to be around your family . My sister, however, helped to clear that up very fast by giving me one of most life advice that has subconsciously affected me to this day. “Justin, you have to grow up. There are two sides of every person: one they show their family and one they act around their friends.” This was one of the first ways my family had truly impacted me and shaped me into the person I am today, by splitting me into two distinct people. Around my family I became an awkward, quiet kid who never spoke up and obeyed every word he was told while around my friends I was who I really am; an eccentric, fearless adventurer who is always seeking new thrills and excitements. According to my sister I could not show the true side of me to my parents because to them that is disrespectful and my parents would
I was only six at the time and had not yet learned how to properly treat and deal with adults. I was taught by Disney sitcoms and from my friends that family is the strongest bond in the world and that you should be able to show who you truly are to them. I was thereby confused because as a young child as I was always eccentric and loud and in my opinion I was just being myself which ,according to what I learned from television, is how you are supposed to be around your family . My sister, however, helped to clear that up very fast by giving me one of most life advice that has subconsciously affected me to this day. “Justin, you have to grow up. There are two sides of every person: one they show their family and one they act around their friends.” This was one of the first ways my family had truly impacted me and shaped me into the person I am today, by splitting me into two distinct people. Around my family I became an awkward, quiet kid who never spoke up and obeyed every word he was told while around my friends I was who I really am; an eccentric, fearless adventurer who is always seeking new thrills and excitements. According to my sister I could not show the true side of me to my parents because to them that is disrespectful and my parents would