Farewell to Manzanar is the story of a young Japanese girl who spends part of her childhood in a barbed wire camp trying to live a normal life. This book demonstrates how Jeanne Wakatsuki and her family fought to make it thought this harsh period of time at camp Manzanar. After the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, president Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, which gave power to the war department to declare which people were possible risks to the United States. “FBI deputies had been questioning everyone, ransacking houses for anything that could conceivably be used for signaling planes or ships or that indicated loyalty to the Emperor” (What is Pearl Harbor? p.7). The command given by president Roosevelt indicated the removal of Japanese dwelling on the west coast and placing them on captivity camps while the war lasted. Jeanne Wakatsuki and her family were one of the many families who were relocated to this camp named Manzanar. Unfortunately Papa was arrested for being accused …show more content…
Jeanne begins to explore new things inside the camp and residents are now allowed to take small trips on the outside of the camp. By 1944 the “army’s western defense command had already announced that the mass exclusion orders of 1942 were being rescinded.” (Free To Go, p. 126) What this meant is that according to the three trials that got to the supreme court the government finally decided what they were doing was wrong and they were going to close all camps within the next twelve months. For the Wakatsukis and many more Japanese families the news that they were now free to go was hardly pleasant. Many of them had lost everything and had no home or place to return to and Manzanar was the only thing they could call home. Many of them waited till the last moment to be relocated since it really didn’t matter whether they left early since they had no hurries and had no where to