Prof. Marron
FAS 204 Gender Relations
September 25, 2014
Topic #24: Discuss the portrayals of gender in the media. How influential are advertisements?
The media today continually promotes a specific type of “gender role” and behavior for both men and women. It influences and corrupts the minds of both men, women and especially young teens when doing so. With that said it’s definitely a big part of creating social norms as well. Think about it, there are three common different types of media: television, films, and advertisements, which are shown almost everywhere. Like I mentioned before, gender roles for an example exist only because society chooses to accept them for what they are. Viewers must be aware of what the media is trying to push on them, especially females. For example, most women when appearing with their male actors on screen constantly are portrayed in roles that are …show more content…
Why don’t women get as much respect and recognition from men when getting a promotion to a managerial or C.E.O type position? Because the media shows you that only men are fit for that position so to men, women “can’t do the job right.” I mean c’mon, there’s probably tons of young girls out there who have dreams to be the next president and even the drive to try and make it happen, but won’t even try because the media says it’s wrong to want something other than just a family. There is roles out there that actually do portray the woman lead as an independent strong woman with a great job and a family, but they also show her as a “bitch” who’s constantly away from her family and is only about work. Never an independent strong woman with a great job and a family who can balance both, even though it is possible in real life. No wonder most young women don’t strive to be the best they can be, they’ve been taught that if you do nothing positive comes out of it family