Tacondra Brown
LIFC 202
August 12, 2013
Liberty University
The coach-client relationship is the heart of all life coaching processes. Whether it involves executive coaching, leadership, marriage or financial coaching without a client to serve, a coach cannot fulfill his or her purpose. Hence, knowing how to effectively build relationships with people is fundamental to being a successful life coach. This research paper will explore the dynamics of the coaching relationship as it relates to factors, such as commonalities and compatibilities, which influence the development and maintenance of effective relationships, as well as components that are critical to the client-coach relationship. We will also examine the influence of building relationships on coaching outcomes, which is more important than any other skill during the life coaching process.
Relationship Building in Life Coaching
Building relationships and putting people first is the core of life coaching. Without knowing how to effectively build relationships with clients a life coach cannot develop his or her ability or business. The ability to form and create relationships is a requirement of a coach rather than a wanted skill (Backinsell & Garner, 2008). There are several key dynamics to building a successful coaching relationship. In this research paper we will examine the effect of relationship building on coaching and the influencing factors that assist in establishing and maintaining client-coach relationships (Boyce, Jackson, and Neal, 2010). The two components used to provide an outline for examining the impact of the coaching relationship include the client-coach match characteristics, and key elements associated with developing the client-coach relationship. There are three main characteristics considered when matching coaches and clients. According to Boyce, Jackson and Neal (2010) they are “commonality in
References: Backinsell, D., & Garner, C. (2008, Nov 15). All about coaching: Building relationships to achieve goals. South China Morning Post. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/266685669?accountid=12085 Bluckert, P. (2005). Critical factors in executive coaching- the coaching relationship. Industrial and Commercial Training, 37(7), 336-340. doi:10.1108/00197850510626785 Boyce, L. A., Jackson, R. J., & Neal, L. J. (2010). Building successful leadership coaching relationships. The Journal of Management Development, 29(10), 914-931. doi:10.1108/02621711011084231 Menefee, G. (2011). 7 ways to establish client trust. Journal of Financial Planning, , 12. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/878217493?accountid=12085 Rogers, J. (2008). Coaching Skills: A Handbook . Maidenhead, England: McGraw Hill/Open University Press. Wasylyshyn, K. M. (2003). Executive coaching: An outcome study. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research,55(2), 94-106. doi:10.1037/1061-4087.55.2.94