By Evie Friedrich
Question One.
What were the ideologies of the Nazi Party and the Norsefire Party portrayed in V for Vendetta?
Nazi ideology or Nazism was the ideology developed by Adolf Hitler and other prominent Nazis in Germany. There were many existing ideologies that influenced Nazism such as Fascism and Nationalism, however Nazism was a unique ideology in many ways. It combined many ideas, values and morals that were key to Hitler’s vision of Germany, such as Lebensraum, the Fuhrer and Autarky. These core elements of the Nazi regime show Authoritarianism, Nationalism, Militarism and Expansionism (Llewellyn, 2014).
The idea of having the Fuhrer, which was the title given to Hitler, showed the idea of an all powerful leader and strong government. This was key to Nazism and the Fuhrer was given all political power. Democracy was also eliminated from Nazi Germany, with all other political parties being disbanded. The Nazis had all the authority in Germany with the creation of specialised police groups such as the Gestapo, who also had a lot of power.
Lebensraum and Autarky showed the intense Nationalism and Expansionism of the Nazi party. Combined, the policies show the Nazi beliefs that all Germans should have living space by expanding into non German countries and that Germany should be completely self sufficient. These policies also highlight the extreme Racism which was a key element in Nazism. The idea that Aryans were the master race and minorities were subhuman and were sent to concentration camps. Nazism however was most known for its Totalitarianism which allowed the Nazis to control all aspects of German society.
The ideology of the Norsefire Party is similar to Nazism in many ways with similar ideas and values being present in both parties. The leader of the Norsefire Party, Adam Susan, is referred to as Leader, similar to Hitler’s use of Fuhrer. The Norsefire Party’s main policies were complete control of the media,
Bibliography: Moore, Alan, and David Lloyd. "Chapter 4 A Vocational Viewpoint." V for Vendetta. New York: Vertigo/DC Comics, 2005. 116-17. Print. Llewellyn, Jennifer. "Nazi Ideology." Alpha History: Nazi Germany. Alpha History, n.d. Web. 05 May 2014. Llewellyn, Jennifer. "Weimar Germany - Alpha History." Weimar Germany. Alpha History, n.d. Web. 07 May 2014. "Nazi Beliefs." GCSE Bitesize. BBC, n.d. Web. 08 May 2014. "Norsefire." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 July 2013. Web. 08 May 2014. "Kristallnacht: A Nationwide Pogrom, November 9–10, 1938." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Council, 10 June 2013. Web. 08 May 2014.