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04 December 2013 07:54
Created by My Research account: IVANGALHISPO (Ivan Galhispo)
04 December 2013
Table of contents
1. The temporary store: a new marketing tool for fashion brands....................................................................
Bibliography...................................................................................................................................................... 14
04 December 2013
Document 1 of 1
The temporary store: a new marketing tool for fashion brands
Author: Surchi, Micaela
Publication info: Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management 15.2 (2011): 257-270.
ProQuest document link
Abstract: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to understand the motivations that lie behind the choice of the
"temporary store" as a marketing tool, with particular reference to the fashion sector in Italy. In the UK and the
USA, the more usual terminology is "pop-up store". Design/methodology/approach - The study adopts a qualitative approach, in the form of case studies of two fashion brands using temporary stores in Italy. Data were collected by in-depth interviews with senior representatives of the two firms, backed by available documentary evidence and observation. Similarities and differences between the two sets of findings were identified and analysed, and conclusions drawn. Findings - This exploratory study points to the need for further investigation, but its findings provide researchers and practitioners with new information about the use of the temporary store as a marketing tool, and the managerial implications. Though still in its infancy in Italy, it is becoming increasingly common elsewhere, especially in the form of