(Assignments One & Two)
Purchasing behaviour associated with fashion clothing
Two dominant approaches that can be used when seeking to market to a broad range of consumers are segmentation and mass marketing. The traditional segmentation view of marketing suggests that market segments should be carefully researched for important differences, and then strategies developed to suit each specific segment. Mass marketing on the other hand favours marketing a product in the same way to all segments based on the assumption that many consumers’ preferences are often quite similar. Which approach is most suited to the marketing of fashion clothing? What are the drivers of purchasing behaviour associated with fashion clothing? Do these drivers differ across market segments or are they generally similar across segments? Market research can be conducted to provide answers to these questions based on evidence collected from consumers. This research project will seek to identify the determinants of fashion purchasing within Australia, with consideration to possible differences across market segments. Interviews will be conducted to explore the drivers of fashion purchase behaviour (first assignment) and then a survey will be used to quantitatively examine these drivers (second assignment).
Population of Interest
The target audience for this project is English speaking adults in Australia.
Assignment One Objectives
The aim of assignment one is to qualitatively explore the drivers of fashion clothing purchase behaviour.
Specific objectives include:
i) To identity which types of clothing consumers perceive as fashionable and unfashionable. ii) To identify why consumers perceive some clothing as fashionable and other clothing as unfashionable. iii) To understand societal values that lead to fashion clothing purchases. iv) To identify motives that influence consumers to purchase fashion