This paper is 2-3 pages long. Use double space and font 12". Select a movie available to you and reflect on it with an emphasis on one particular issue that interests you more than others.
A reflection is meant to present your thoughts on and your understanding of the visual text. There is no need to consult external sources. Our discussion in class has provided sufficient background and given sufficient vocabulary for you to reflect on your understanding of the selected film. Use only your voice and words that belong to your active vocabulary. Upload your paper into the ‘safe assignment’ on blackboard and give me a hard copy to comment on.
Begin with one sentence about the movie, and indicate what your particular focus will be (e.g.: Roman Holiday is a romantic comedy about the encounter between a European princess and an American journalist in Rome. I will focus on the mise-en-scene to show the effects on empty space in different shots.).
Grammar Check: consult the writing center if you have problems with the language
- Present tense for text analysis: Orson Welles made the movie. But:
Kane is the protagonist who makes a fortune in the newspaper business. - Punctuation at the end of a word: In Mr. Bean’s Holiday the journey ends at the Cannes Film Festival. Not: … Film Festival .This is when Bean reaches the beach. - Don’t forget articles: Pikea has to dive to find the grandfather’s necklace. - 3rd person ‘s’: She likes her community. She gets picked up from school by the grandfather.
Small Scope: 2-3 pages is little space for a film analysis, and you therefore need to limit your scope.
You may discuss matters related to mise-en-scène or focus on the content of the story.
E.g.: When Bean is driving to Cannes, shots alternate between the mainly tight framing used to illustrate the interior of the small car filled with three passengers and loose framing, especially with high angles, to show the road on