This Assignment is due on Friday 31 January 2014.
This assignment will give you a chance to look through Carleton’s collection of films about Archaeology. During the course we may be able to watch a film or two in class but there are many good films covering various aspects of Archaeology and individual sites around the world. We cannot watch them all. This assignment will give you a chance to choose one that is of particular interest to you. Please read the guidelines carefully.
Select a film from those listed below. If you know of one not on the list please check to make sure that it is relevant and academically sound. (Indiana Jones is unfortunately not allowable nor is Ancient Aliens.) If you would like some suggestions or recommendations from me, just ask. Most of the films are about an hour in length but some of the ones listed below are composed of 3 or more parts or episodes. Watch one of the episodes for the assignment (or more to make up at least an hour of your time) but you may, of course, watch as many as you like.
For those students who have taken CLCV 1008A, please choose a new film to watch and write about. You cannot repeat your assignment from the fall term. Your report should be no more than two typed pages in length and double- spaced; the paper may be double-sided if you wish. Please follow the order of the questions asked below with each paragraph numbered 1., 2., 3., 4. Please proofread your report for spelling and grammar. The numbers in [square brackets] indicate the points given for each section for a total of ten. No bibliography is needed. The assignment is worth 10% of your final grade.
1. What is the name of the film and the date you watched it? [1]
2. What is the format of the film (e.g. Library DVD with call number, Films on Demand) and the date it was produced/made? [1]
3. What is the subject of the film and what did you learn