The only entity fast food restaurants desire is money. They do not care about health, weight, or medical problems. Fast food is everywhere, also “ there are more than 160,000 fast food restaurants in America. More than fifty million customers are served per day” (Zinczenko 464). These statistics are outrageous and embarrassing for Americans. The food these companies produce is horrible in nutrition and damaging for one’s health. Even though fast food is tempting, one should stay far away from it as possible. In David Zinczenko article “Don’t Blame the Eater,” he has his own personal experience as an example for people, specifically teenagers, to stay away from fast food. Although fast food produces delicious products, these products contain blinding nutrition facts, and the companies mainly target teenagers.…
In David Gerard Hogan’s article “Fast Food,” fast food industries are criticized in many aspects. Hogan tells that fast food causes many problems like healthy problems first. The fast food industry use low quality materials. Many critics said much of the meat of hamburgers was either spoiled or diseased. The high calorie of fast food can cause fat and other serious health problems. (590-591)…
Obesity is a leading health complication resulting from long term consumption of fast food. Our bodies need several essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, and vitamins to thrive. Fast food meal options contain detrimental ingredients that are harmful to your health. When you take a closer look you will find that most fast food options greatly exceed the recommended levels of fat and sugar intake. Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past thirty years. It seems as the rate of obesity increase, so does the number of fast food restaurants. With the increase of weight a person has a greater possibility of placing other health issues on their…
It is true that the fast food companies were more emphasized on their marketing strategy than our citizens’ health. The “super size” marketing strategy had trained us to think that “oceanic drinks and gargantuan portions are normal” (Browniee, 21). I do agree that fast food companies’ excessive marketing is really profitable for them and they don’t put our health in the first place. But I think it is the people who made the bad choice for their health. The point of the fast food is to save peoples’ meal time when they are in a hurry. It is convenient and cheap but also insures our daily needs of protein, calories, Cholesterols and a bunch of necessary Minerals. It’s not the best source of healthy food but it’s defiantly better than eating a chocolate bar or instant noodle when people are in a hurry.…
(5) When the food lowers blood sugar, it spikes and causes difficulties. (2) On top of that, fast food can play a major part in developing type 2 diabetes and also can cause heart disease and possibly strokes. (Thank Your Body) (1) Fast food contains higher fat, lower fiber, tons of calories, sugar and salt. The food contains a certain type of fat, which is much worse for the body than normal fat, called trans-fat. (3)Obviously, trans-fat is horrible for you and on a regular basis increases the risk of heart disease by 25%. (How Stuff Works) (6) Fast food is…
Directions: Choose ONE of the paper topics below and follow the specific directions indicated for your chosen assignment. You should be submitting a typed, double-spaced, size 12 font paper approximately 3-5 pages in length. Any papers should be submitted in MLA or APA citation format. After you have written your finished assignment, upload your paper as a file to the Turnitin Assignment located on Moodle. Papers not uploaded to Turnitin will not be accepted.…
Based on 2009 US Industry report, there were 303,989 fast food locations in the US alone. “Fast food was the main food source for up to 38% of children” stated researcher Shanthy Bowman, PhD, with the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Beltsville, Maryland. She also demonstrated that when kids eat fast food, they eat more food all day long and over one year time period, a child can pack on 6 extra pounds because of high fast food eating. The result of overeating is a nation that is becoming obese and overweight. The result of obesity? More illness and soaring healthcare problems.When we say fast food, we are thinking 'junk food ' yum...(insert drool here). Fast food has become one and the same from hamburgers to pizzas, to French fries, hot dogs and more. Fast food has high calories, fats, saturated fats, sugar and salt content. The fats, sugar, and salt in fast food draw us kids like a magnet and because fast food doesn 't contain much fiber we don 't feel full afterward so we tend to eat more later on. Compared with kids didn 't eat fast food, fast food eaters ate an average of 187 more calories a day. At that rate, “the child would gain 6 extra pounds each year, if they didn 't get enough exercise to burn…
Zinczenko, David. "Don’t Blame the Eater." They Say, I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic…
Like it or not, fast food is apart of our lives. On nearly every corner in a big city there is some sort of fast food chains. They surround everyone's daily life and tempt you to come eat there food. In the film "Super Size Me" fast food was brought to the national attention for increase in body weight and obesity "In addition, significant relationships have been found between the frequency of fast food restaurant visits and increases in body weight and insulin resistance, the two primary risk factors for type 2 diabetes". Now, I do believe that fast food may not be the healthiest food ever, but I do not believe that this is all of the problem with our health concerns. It is more evident today than ever that people are not getting out and excising.…
Obesity is an epidemic that is sweeping over the United States today. It’s affecting both adults and children. With the increase in fast food availability and a decrease in the time most Americans have to prepare nutritious meals at home, it’s obvious why more people are eating at fast food restaurants. Obesity is a growing problem in the United States and more and more children are being affected. But do uneducated families have the right to put the blame on fast food restaurants for the health issues they could easily prevent? I believe that we are taking it too far by blaming fast food restaurants for obesity and that it is an individual’s responsibility to take the blame. While R.A. Ames "The Food Isn’t to Blame" and Richard Daynard “You Want Fries with That?” use different themes of blaming fast companies and individual decisions to underscore the effects of fast of food on America, the Rahul K. Parikh in “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Fats Kid” picks up the same theme, he blames advertisements for America’s Obesity.…
The fast food industry has come a long way from burger stands and French fries. In the current modern society fast food is changing each year. The past recessions, higher food cost, and health concerns have caused many fast food chains to make changes in their menu and other areas also. There are more healthy choices of food added…
Fast Food , 2009 Seth Stern is a staff writer at The Christian Science Monitor. Despite the fact that nutritional information about fast food is readily available, many fast food chains are taking the blame for the rise in obesity and other health problems across the nation. Some lawyers are considering the possibility that fast food chains could be held accountable for the health consequences of eating their food. The chains could also be responsible for the effects of their potentially misleading advertising, especially to children. These advertising messages can lead people to overeat, which is one of the reasons behind the obesity problem.…
Obesity, obesity is a disease caused by a bad diets, genetics, and lack of exercise. It can be avoided by a balanced diet and 30-45 minutes of exercise everyday. Its very different for everybody, some people may have to do more exercise or less exercise, or eat different things due to their genetics. With all that said I feel it’s an individual responsibility to take care of yourself to avoid obesity and I don’t believe it’s the fast foods restaurants fault for obesity. Even top known fast food restaurants like McDonald’s sell salads and include nutrition facts if someone would like to avoid any extra calories or sodium. There is always ways to avoid being obese , its an individual choice whether you go in McDonald’s and get a Spicy McChicken or A McChicken Salad.…
There are a few issues in the United States that many of us are talking about daily. One of those main issues that are being talked about is food in our society. But even more specific than that, many are talking about how the fast food industry has affected and impacted our society. There is a lot of history of how fast food has started. There were a lot of entrepreneurs many years ago that realized that going into the fast food chain would bring them great profit (Levenstein 229). Some not only went after the food people liked to eat, but also where exactly they started their business. The author Harvey Levensteing tells us that one of the most successful entrepreneurs, Ray Kroc from McDonalds, went after the areas where there were more families with children, and just that helped him become more successful than others (229). So other than a couple of smart guys knowing what industry to get in and being extremely successful, there are many ways that these people have made the fast food industry impact our society in a couple of ways. We all live in this country and since we are all humans we have to make time to eat, whether it is at home or somewhere outside of home, we still have to eat. In that case, we all have seen or been around the fast food industry. Fast food is a growing industry that has had a huge impact in our society today, with its speedy service, the convenience of drive through, and its cheaper way of mass production, it has made us Americans see food in a different way.…
Due to the fast paced lifestyle most Americans live, we tend to eat a lot of fast food due to its convenience and easy access. Although fast food restaurants provide a fast and convenient meal, they are very bad for your health, due to lack of quality, preparation of foods and trans fats, just to name a few of the disadvantages to fast foods. Fast food is not the cause of obesity but it is a major contribution.…