I agree with the article Dr. Bruce presented to us, because I really think that the traditional dating here in the US is dying. People honestly are forgetting how to talk to each other and how to explain their thought to people who are dare to them. Probably social networks are the reason of all this difficulties. They maybe help us to present ourselves to others, BUT the thing is that we present our cover only and start to to think more about that when it becomes more and more difficulties to open our insides.
All that is a big problem, because it now has an influence to the skill to believe to each other. People in the relationships can be really closer physically but really far mentally.
I think that it is very imnportant to respect other people’s personal space and I think relationships are in that personal space. Wopuld I call the police if I found out that my frend is in abusive relationship? I don’t really know . we never really know the whole side of the situation. If they arwe together that means that something is holding their reklationships. However, there can be times when relationship gets crazily abusive and this is the red sign already. I think I would talk to my frend about the whole situation firs an look at them ta
Of course I don’t believe that online relationship is a relationship at all. That is really funny for me honestly, because I went through thtat onl when I was 13 or smth. When everybody sent theitr nunmberas tio the special chat to text awith random eople, social networks were not that developed eyet. Now it seems very funny to me that people grown adult can do something like online relationships. All these tv shows like catfish show that that type relationships are very common today. I honestly don’t understand how people can do it. you shpuild have communicational problrems if you go for smth like that. In that sort odf the relationships people loose the last benefit of the relaitionshipwxchich is for me the most