In the article, “ Social Media as Community”, says, “ A number of studies, including my own and those of Matthew Brashears a sociologist at Cornell have found that Americans have fewer intimate relationships today than 20 years ago.” That sentence is saying that people are afraid to talk to other people in person because there is so much social media, you make one wrong move and it is there forever. Everyone can see it and everyone can comment or share it. Computers and cell phones change the way not only you think of others, but of yourself too. People would rather be able to say it wasn't them texting or messaging another person instead of being made fun
In the article, “ Social Media as Community”, says, “ A number of studies, including my own and those of Matthew Brashears a sociologist at Cornell have found that Americans have fewer intimate relationships today than 20 years ago.” That sentence is saying that people are afraid to talk to other people in person because there is so much social media, you make one wrong move and it is there forever. Everyone can see it and everyone can comment or share it. Computers and cell phones change the way not only you think of others, but of yourself too. People would rather be able to say it wasn't them texting or messaging another person instead of being made fun