Chief Element: * Highly selective about what they sell by maintaining and always experimenting inflexible quality standards * Topmost quality in natural and organic foods and beverages. * Customer Service * According to the Industry analyst “When you walk into a whole Foods Store, you’re overwhelmed by a desire to look at everything you see” * We take the best ideas from each of our stores and try to incorporate them in all our other stores. We are constantly making our stores better * Company is actively doing its role in Community Citizenship and social activism.
Economic logic Vehicles
Quick expansion
Whole Foods’ management expected to have a total of 400 stores and sales of $12 billion in fiscal year 2010
Premium prices due to unmatchable product quality and customer services
People are willing to pay premium prices because they believe that they are doing something good and food is healthier.
Economic logic
Company operated stores(Internal Development)
Acquisition of small owner-managed chains
Acquisition of Wild Oats
Overall 276 Stores
Through Competitive Price,
Customer Service,
Highest Quality,
Experience Curve,
Go Green, Big Store and Store Designs
Natural and Organic Items
Health Conscious People
Geographically 3 countries
Converting its Distribution Fleet Vehicles to biodiesel Fuel
Question No. 2 Is the strategy well matched to recent developments and conditions in the natural and organic foods segment of the food retailing industry?
Yes, the strategy is well matched to recent development and conditions in the natural and organic foods segment of the food retailing industry, * By looking at the certified organic farms in 2005