My first impression of the term "Fat Taxes" was and instant "Yes, let’s do it", I jumped to conclusions before reading through the material. However once I read the different arguments and rebuttals, I quickly went from for to against this “Fat Tax” for many reasons. The fat tax is designed to tax unhealthy food and sugary drink to encourage healthier eating habits in hopes of decreasing obesity. Yes, obesity creates a great deal of the health problems in the United States and [account for] 79 billion being spent on [care and prevention] of obesity. (Brownell) The fat tax is being weighed to the likes of a “sin tax”. To eat by choice is not a sin because we must eat for survival. What we select to eat should not be left in the hands of the elite, which can eat “Healthy” without cause, to decide. Good health can be obtained by one and all if they commit to the cause. The matter of healthy eating is a self-responsibility not one of public matter. Enacting this tax would more than likely rob us of our civil liberties; affect lower income people excessively; and like other taxes before it (e.g., smoking, gambling etc.), it may have little to no effect on society as projected.
Topic sentence 1
Freedom of choice
We it comes to our own eating habits, it’s a personal matter not public. “It only becomes a public matter when we force the public to pay for the consequences of those choices”. (Kelly) We should remain free to eat as we please and not have the government micromanage what we consume. “Instead of manipulating or intervening in the array of food options available to American consumers, our government ought to be working to foster a sense of responsibility in and ownership of our own health and well-being”. (Radley)We live in a democracy where freedom of choice is an enormous issue. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is by far a part of wellness. As a UTA student, I sometimes find happiness in the bottom of a