August 14, 2128 Status: Feelin Smart
When the companies took over 42 years ago, things changed. At first, they were slow and helped. After the incident, society began reconstruction which allowed the society to reinvent itself. As this process commenced people looked up and praised the companies for supporting and keeping them alive. This resulted in the unbreakable trust between the companies and the people. As time went on, the companies convinced the people that the nation would be safest with them having control over everything. At first it was a dream come true; the companies were endlessly feeding the people, rebuilding communities and cities, and there was peace and happiness. But soon after, the company began cutting corners and turned to oppressing people. The people began to realize this, but as soon as the companies included manipulative sedatives in their food, the people were unable to realize the company’s subjugation. Only few of my kind still exist. People whose status has entitled them to food without sedatives. I am a rare breed. I am Fat Trish.
August 31, 2128 Status: Depressed :/
Today is my birthday. My dads present for me is the creation of the holiday to celebrate the namesake of my favorite food, bacon. So today is now known as National Bacon Day. Nation wide there are festivals celebrating bacon. At school my friends all commented…on how much they appreciated my dad giving out free bacon products; there were no comments about my birthday. It doesn’t make sense. This went from a present that seemed like it was for me to a political statement and a way to keep the people in our country happy. I do not know why he did this, His intentions were completely misleading. This was not about my birthday…why is he focusing so much on other people and not our family? Why do other peoples perspectives matter so much so suddenly?
September 11, 2128 Status: Confused
Another chair broke today…