Metaphysics is the philosophical teaching to find understanding in the nature of being and the world, but cannot be proved. Richard Taylor wrote a book titled Metaphysics explaining theories such as determinism, fatalism and more. Taylor explains determinism as, “…everything, including every cause, is the effect of some cause or causes; or that everything is not only determinate but casually determined,” he continues, “…if true, it holds not only for all things that existed but for all things that do or ever will exist,” (Taylor, 36). Fatalism, on the other hand, Taylor explains as, “the thought that what is happening at a particular moment is unavoidable, that we are powerless to prevent it,” (Taylor, 54). To expand on fatalism, everything past, present or future are written and we are powerless to its will. The simple difference between these theories is clear. Fate is based on everything, future included, out of our control and determinism is that everything that is, or will, happen has come to be because of causes and those causes have their own causes. Determinism does not remove the belief that
Metaphysics is the philosophical teaching to find understanding in the nature of being and the world, but cannot be proved. Richard Taylor wrote a book titled Metaphysics explaining theories such as determinism, fatalism and more. Taylor explains determinism as, “…everything, including every cause, is the effect of some cause or causes; or that everything is not only determinate but casually determined,” he continues, “…if true, it holds not only for all things that existed but for all things that do or ever will exist,” (Taylor, 36). Fatalism, on the other hand, Taylor explains as, “the thought that what is happening at a particular moment is unavoidable, that we are powerless to prevent it,” (Taylor, 54). To expand on fatalism, everything past, present or future are written and we are powerless to its will. The simple difference between these theories is clear. Fate is based on everything, future included, out of our control and determinism is that everything that is, or will, happen has come to be because of causes and those causes have their own causes. Determinism does not remove the belief that