Fathers are often left out of research, as society focuses mainly on mothers and their roles in the parent-child relationship. If research is done, the research surrounds fathers who belong to the middle- and upper-class. The article entitled “Father Involvement in Urban Low-Income Fathers: Baseline Associations and Changes Resulting From Preventive Intervention” examines father involvement among ethnically diverse, low-income fathers. The goals of the research consist of filling the gaps of the literature, by studying a different population, and evaluating if whether attendance of workshops that concentrate on communication, coping, and parenting skills within this population will affect the ways in which fathers contribute to rearing children (Reinks et al., 2011).
The Need for Research Rienks, Wadsworth, Markman, Einhorn, and Moran-Ettter (2011) discussed the harmful effects poverty has on children and the way financial strain …show more content…
The couples who were interested in the study were screened for various criteria. The criteria determined mainly the length of time the couples were involved in a committed relationship, if the couples had lived together for at least six months, if the couples were co-parenting at least one child under the age of 18, and the income level of the couples (Reinks et al., 2011) In doing this it would be easier to address the factors that may interfere with father involvement. Additionally, there were questionnaires to gather information on the ways in which individuals function and parent by themselves as well as in a relationship. Male participants were of different racial backgrounds, as to ensure that the study was ethnically diverse. 112 men participated and the breakdown is as follows: 34.3% African American, 21.9% Hispanic, 26.3% Caucasians, 6.6% American Indian, and 10.9% biracial/multiracial (Reinks et al.,