In an effort to maintain fairness and stability, the government devised the child support laws and enforcement policies. Because of the child support laws and enforcement, fathers who are responsible for paying support fall into eight categories defined by Bruce Walker, Executive Coordinator at the District Attorney’s Council in Oklahoma City Oklahoma. Walker said “The real deadbeat dad is seldom a model citizen, but he is even more seldom the mythical monster described by politicians most deadbeat dads are frightened, angry, and depressed men who fall into several overall categories. Remarried Supporter,
Men in Poverty, Fathers Helping Mothers, Fathers Paying Child Support, Men with actual custody, Men who[can not] find their children, Fathers who love their children, but [will not] work for them, [and] Child support resistors. (as cited in Separated Parenting
Access & Resource Center [SPARC] n.d.) Although the categories are self-descriptive, a few categories need to defining,Because they strike to the heart of the stereotype that fathers who do not pay child support are living a life of luxury, while their children Are living in poverty, and the stereotype of fathers who do not pay support have no contact with their …show more content…
Not only do children need money as a means of support, but just asimportant is the child’s need for a father figure in their life. Children need their fathers to have father and son talks, a daughter needs her father as a role model to help her understand how to interact properly, and understand the opposite sex. Children have a natural desire to have their father in their life to share success and failure. The presenceof a father in a child’s life can make the difference between success, and failure, happiness and