
Father Quy Monologue

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Father Quy Monologue
irst, let me begin my letter with a brief background. My name in Tran Tu Binh and I was born in the Ha-nam providence in northern Vietnam. At a young age, my parents sent me to the Hoang Nguyen Catholic seminary. My unfortunate experience at the seminary would shape my opinion of authority. Later in life and put me on a course that in hindsight would change the history of Vietnam and the world. The experience at the seminary provided me with a sense of distrust. Father Quy, the head of the seminary, did not "practice what he preached." (Binh 1.) His actions set the groundwork for the distrust for authority I have today. Father Quy would add table salt to water to fool people into believing it was holy. Moreover, he was known …show more content…
Which is one of the reasons I removed from the seminary. From day one, I was somewhat of a troublemaker and Father Quy was just looking for a reason to have me leave. This resulted in my not having much direction in my life. As a result, “my road to the rubber plant had already been determined.” (Binh 13.) Once on the plantation, the French masters forced the workers to struggle with little pay, food, shelter or rest. The conditions were not as promised. We were beaten, even though we were promised that would not happen, we were not medically cared for. Most of the plantation nurses would say, “fast for a few days to halt the progress of the disease.” (Bihn 21) This form of treatment is subhuman at best and has no place in society. Let me take a moment to explain my thoughts on French Imperialism. You note in your speech before the French National Assembly that, “It must be stated openly that, in effect, superior raced have rights over inferior races.” (Ferry 1.) Is that to say that you feel that we, as the people of Vietnam are inferior? That we have no use for you there than inexpensive labor and need for export markets? Well, if this is your true passion and belief I pity …show more content…
You have raped our land by forcing us to cut down trees to plant rubber try saplings. You have raped our women. Our masters on the plantation have taken women against their will and raped them. Pregnant women on the plantation were not immune to poor treatment either. They worked while pregnant, many times right until the day they delivered. They were also not provided with adequate food, rest, and medical treatments. As one would suspect, this leads to a high mortality rate of children on the

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