( Ideas compiled from chapters around the country to help build local membership (
Courtney Owen
Former FBLA National President
Public Visibility Projects
- Speak on FBLA-PBL - To Rotary Clubs, other civic groups, Chamber of Commerce, your School Board - To a school assembly - In your classes - At Middle Schools (ML Chapters)
- Write articles for: - Tomorrow’s Business Leader or PBL Business Leader - State or Local FBLA publications - School Newspaper
- Contact local newspaper and have them publicize your chapter’s activities (send them press releases) - Create a Chapter Webpage - Radio Interview about FBLA-PBL - TV Coverage of chapter activities/meetings - Design a Chapter Poster (post in area schools) - Purchase an electronic billboard to post upcoming activities and deadlines - Create a Chapter Display Case (keep up-to-date pictures, articles, awards, and use this medium to highlight member achievements) - Chapter T-Shirts (get creative!) - Appoint a Public Relations Committee - Utilize School Intercom to remind members of events, and bring attention to members’ accomplishments
( Ideas, Ideas, Ideas (
Ideas for Local Meetings
- Presentations from local businesses (cater these to members’ interests) - FBLA-PBL Trivia Games; Quiz Bowl Competitions - Public Speaking Practice Events - Ice Breakers (there are lots of books you can buy on this topic) - Competitive Event Study Time - Team building or leadership activities - Joint meetings with: - Other local FBLA-PBL chapters - Middle Level Chapters - Other VSO organizations (FCCLA, FFA, TSA, HOSA, etc)
- Speakers: - State/National Officers - Local Businesspeople - Motivational Speakers - Local Celebrities (news