James Marshall
Mary M.Louis
Government 2301
November 12 2010
evaluation of Fear
What is fear ?
To be afraid apprehensive.(merriam-webster online)
Fear is a feeling you get in your stomach when you know something is about to happen whether you know the out come or not.It can be a feeling of uneasiness when a situation reminds you of something. It can be triggered by sounds,sight and smell.
How do we identify fear ?
It can be identified in many ways.It can be an uneasy feeling you get when you walk alone in a parking garage,it can be a noise you hear in the middle of the night.The feeling you get after watching a scary movie,but it can also be a thought …show more content…
There is a definite effect of what the last presidential election has done for some Texas counties. In 23 0f the 25 largest counties employment declined from september of 2008 to september 2009(bls.gov). It would then be a thought that if there is not certain change in job availability in Texas there will be some people that will want to vote for someone new come next election. I think there is more fear in global elections than here in the states. For examples this october on the Ivory Coast there will be elections for a new president and they have already started disarming groups and replacing police and other officials in fear of wide spread violence. In Kenya during the 2008 presidential elections more than 275 people were killed and dozens burned to death in an outburst of violence(npr.org).Closer to home in Mexico not only fear tactics but the actual murder of a gubernatorial candidate. When on the way to an election rally gunmen open fire on a candidate(latindispatch.com). But even in American history the 1860 presidential election brought upon a fierce war.There has been minor violence in the states during arguments over health care in Miami a man was hit by another man(jamaicans.com). During the the 1860 elections the fight over states rights and slavery was …show more content…
Most of us pay more attention to the four year elections because that is when we have the ability to choose a president. The information on the candidates helps us formulate an opinion of those running for office and who we will probably vote for.The question is do we get all the information that there is and are we making the best decision possible.It is very possible we only see the advertisement of the two main parties democratic or republican but there are others there is the libertarian party,the green party,the constitution party just to name a few(politics1.com). So as we look for information about the main characters running for office where do we find it. We get most of our information about the candidates from television advertisements in fact over 50 percent of all advertising is done on the major television networks(marketingblurb.com). Over 450 million dollars was spent on advertising with the two main opponents spending the most John McCain 125,530,148 and Barack Obama