Problems 3
Options 4
Criteria 5
Conclusion 6
Bibliography 8
Ms. Lovely M. Wiggers
Business Systems Manager
Operations Development and Project Services
Aim Investments, Inc
November 5, 2006
Ms. Wiggers,
Please accept the attached Feasibility Study of Notebook computer for the Sales' Staff.
I evaluated each model to determine which laptop best suits our needs. Each model must meet the following these requirements 60MB hard drive size, 1 GB RAM, Wireless Capability , Windows XP Operating System, Microsoft Office.
I recommend purchasing the HP Compaq nc6320 Notebook. This notebook has met the entire requirement and for the price this was the best choice. By purchase this notebook this will alleviate the problem associate with laptop that the sales staff is currently using.
If you have any additional questions or require any additional information I will be happy to answer them.
Studies have shown that advancement in technology has improved employee's productivity tremendously in the last ten years. The current company laptops are outdated and inadequate to keep up with the demand of our sales staff. It is imperative that each laptop has accessibility to programs and information needed by the sales force while in the field. These laptops where purchased in the year 2000 and are severely outdated. They are unable to support our current work systems.
After speaking with members of the sales team we found that there are several issues with their current laptops. One problem is RAM; this is the most important factor in computer performance without sufficient amounts of RAM these computers will not run properly. The process speed of is also a problem. These computers are unable to support the new sales database. The battery life is too short and the computers are excessively heavy. Within the last year we have paid an excessive amount in technical support to keep these laptop