This essay will evaluate an item (automobile, restaurant, film, television show, book, or a recent or prospective purchase). The evaluation essay is an argumentative essay, so it requires evidence to support your opinion and conclusion that you draw about the item that you are evaluating.
The assignment: Decide on an item to evaluate, develop criteria (standards) by which to judge the item, then make a recommendation to the reader as to how well (or not) the items meets the standards that you set. You can write about one item or you can compare two items; for example, you may compare the iPhone with a BlackBerry.
How to outline an evaluation essay:
1. Sample Outline Evaluating a Single Item
I. Introduction
Thesis: When looking a buying a new laptop, college students should consider the XXXXX laptop because it has a high speed dual processor, its operating system surpasses any other, and, most importantly, this laptop seems impervious to dangerous viruses.
II. Criterion 1: College students need a laptop computer that operates at lightening speed.
III. Criterion 2: The laptop operating system is also an important feature.
IV. Criterion 3: Finally, college students need a laptop that does not crash repeatedly under the strain of constant viral assaults.
V. Conclusion
2. Point by Point: If you are writing a comparison of two items
I. Introduction / Thesis
II. Criterion 1
a. Item A
b. Item B
III. Criterion 2
a. Item A
b. Item B
IV. Criterion 3
a. Item A
b. Item B
V. Conclusion: Brings the essay to a satisfying close and make a recommendation as to which item is the best or preferred.
Your essay should be approximately 3-4 typed, double spaced pages following MLA format.
You must bring a preliminary draft of this essay to class on the date listed in the course schedule and participate in the peer review process. If you do not bring a draft of your