1. What is the FedEx philosophy toward quality?
“Customer satisfaction begins with employee satisfaction. Putting people first in every action, every planning decision, every business decision requires a tremendous commitment from every manager and employees in the company.”
James L. Barksdale,
Chief Operating Officer
“He even stated that his employees have been acting on their own to keep customers satisfied even before empowerment became a buzzword (pg 475).” FedEx employees try their best to keep the customer’s satisfaction at heart. They go above and beyond the call of duty to make sure the quality and satisfaction remain at a high standard.
The CEO Frederick W. Smith said it best,” The first time you tolerate anything other than a movement toward 100 percent customer satisfaction, you’re on the road to mediocrity.”
2. What specific elements/actions has FedEx implemented in its quality improvement history?
Quality Improvement Process(QIP)- help to establish two important ideas to support the P-S-P philosophy. It recognized the correlation between doing things right the first time and productivity: the Q=P paradigm. It also defined quality service not in statistical terms, but as performance to the standards of the customer:”100 percent” satisfaction became the uncompromising goal.
The meaning of quality-includes the concept of customer focus, total involvement, quality measurement, systems support, and continuous improvement as everyone’s job.
The cost of quality-emphasized rework and waste as the cost of not doing quality work
You and your customer- helped show that everyone at FedEx was both a supplier and a customer.
Continuous improvement- developed the themes of Module 1 and showed how to meet customer needs in innovative ways.
Making quality happen- encouraged people to take a leadership role in implementing quality programs.
Quality action teams (QAT)- used a