Some administrations engaged themselves in deficit spending, but none were on the scale of what FDR’s administration set out to do in the 1930's. As displayed in a poster publicizing "A monthly check to you", the Social Security Act of 1935 allowed citizens that are over the age of 65 a monthly check, a program that still run today. American’s view changed with the promoting of this act, and this alterred the preception of the people on the role of government. One of the reasons for the passing of the Social Security Act was so that the younger generation would get a change at working. This would liberate the older generation of their work, but still get paid. Also the development of advertisement was used to publicize the act and used to notify people that after retirement, they can get paid “...a monthly check to you-“ (Document.
Some administrations engaged themselves in deficit spending, but none were on the scale of what FDR’s administration set out to do in the 1930's. As displayed in a poster publicizing "A monthly check to you", the Social Security Act of 1935 allowed citizens that are over the age of 65 a monthly check, a program that still run today. American’s view changed with the promoting of this act, and this alterred the preception of the people on the role of government. One of the reasons for the passing of the Social Security Act was so that the younger generation would get a change at working. This would liberate the older generation of their work, but still get paid. Also the development of advertisement was used to publicize the act and used to notify people that after retirement, they can get paid “...a monthly check to you-“ (Document.