Madison is discussing the problem of factions fighting and it is tearing a country apart. Faction is a number of citizens, who are for one thing, or against something. As Madison defined “they are adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community.” There are two ways to control them, which are remove the cause the control the effect. In the essay he talks about the detail of how to remove the cause, which are destroy the liberty essential to their existence or give everyone the same opinions, passions, and interests. However the second solution is impossible, because good factions always have conflicts and various ideas. Madison concludes that he presents these arguments because he is confident that many will not listen to those "prophets of gloom" who say that the proposed government is unworkable. Madison's definition of a faction is interesting, and most significant in view of the fact that Madison is one of the Federalists who believes in a one-party system. Federalist number ten shows some great points, such as refutation of a pure democracy is the best form of government, factions can be controlled by republican government, and large extensive republics do the best job of controlling factions, which contradicts to the common idea that a smaller republic would be the most representative and therefore the best government.
The theme of this article is the insufficiency of the present confederation to the preservation of the union. Hamilton says the United States has reached the "last stage of national humiliation” because large debts and lack of military. He goes on to attack those whose remedy is to increase the power of the federal government without reducing the sovereignty of the states. This is contradictory and hopeless. Moreover he points out the biggest problem in the existing government is the principle of legislation for states, which