However the growing tension between father and son is apparent in the comment ‘His Polish friends always shook hands too violently’ …show more content…
This poem reflects on Peter Skrzynecki’s strong sense of belonging to a specific place, 10 Mary Street and the fond memories which are going to be demolished along with his home. The poem conveys Skrzynecki’s sense of security and belonging to the environment in which he has existed ‘For nineteen years’. He connects with suburban landmarks in the colloquial terms ‘rusty bucket’, ‘bridge’ and ‘factory’, displaying his familiarity with his surroundings. Further colloquial language, ‘polite-hum-drum’, demonstrates the connection that the poet and his family had to working-class society and suggests a sense of being a part of mainstream life. The strength of this belonging to 10 Mary Street is emphasized through the affectionate simile ‘Tended to roses and camellias like adopted children’. The personification likens the care of the environment to that of the children, which emphasizes this recurring imagery in “Feliks Skrzynecki”. This poem however contrasts with the fractured relationship expressed in “Feliks Skrzynecki” relating to his disconnection to his father. Skrzynecki depicts a family in unison, connected and living a routine happy life together depicted through the contentment in the simile ‘Like a well-oiled lock’ which establishes the concept of a routine, organized and secure life. Towards the end of the poem, the tone transforms to express the ostracisation he anticipates he will feel once his home is