Oct 2012 article http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/india-loses-3-million-girls-in-infanticide/article3981575.ece
Latest : june 2013 http://digitaljournal.com/article/353738
Rural/urban : http://lawquestinternational.com/alarming-sex-ratio-and-problem-female-foeticide-and-infanticide-india
India and china http://www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/abortion/medical/infanticide_1.shtml
Website on infanticide >> https://sites.google.com/a/mtholyoke.edu/female-foeticide/artifact-3
It is a deliberate and intentional act of killing a female child within one year of its birth either directly by using poisonous organic and inorganic chemicals or indirectly by deliberate neglect to feed the infant by either one of the parents or other family members or neighbours or by the midwife.
Poverty, ignorance of family planning, cost of dowry, etc. have been reported as the possible causes for this crime.
Dowry system has been prohibited by law since 1961.
Pre-natal sex-determination was banned in India in 1994, under the Pre-conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act.
This process began in the early 1990s when ultrasound techniques gained widespread use in India. There was a tendency for families to continuously produce children until a male child was born.
The government initially supported the practice to control population growth.
The Preconception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act was passed in 1994, making sex-selective abortion illegal.
It was then modified in 2003 holding medical professionals legally responsible. However, the PCPNDT Act has been poorly enforced by authorities.
Possible Findings:
Since 1991, 80% of districts in India have recorded an increasingly masculine sex ratio with the state of Punjab having the most masculine sex ratio.[2] According to the